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♦ Galvanina羅馬之源 義大利天然礦泉水 雅致款355ml ♦

天然純淨 優質中性水

♦ 義大利百年品牌Galvanina,水質純淨、口感溫潤無刺激性,擁有優雅清新的豐富層次感

◆ 兩年緩慢穩定自然滲透,孕育出富含珍貴礦物質的天然礦泉水。
◆ 完美均衡的礦物質成份,能補充人體每日流失量,增進體內的代
◆ 溶解於水中的鎂、鈣、碳酸氫鹽和適量的CO2易於人體吸收,更
◆ 適合隨餐飲用,能促進消化、減少菜餚油膩感。
◆ 符合最嚴格的國際標準與認證,PH7.0的Galvanina天然礦泉水,

Unica e inconfondibile
Galvanina Mineral Water flows cool and clean from the rocks after passing through an enormous natural filter composed of tightly-packed quartz sand protected by gigantic banks of clay dating back to the Pliocene epoch. For untold centuries, this system of natural purification has guaranteed the sheer quality of Galvanina Mineral Water, to the benefit of the health and the well-being of its many customers throughout the world.




Galvanina dal 1901 
Galvanina, one of Italy's oldest springs of Natural Mineral Water, is still famous in Italy for having made accessible an extraordinary subterranean panorama of r
ocks, channels, crevices and watercourses through which Galvanina Mineral Water has flowed deeply for countless millennia. Galvanina first bottled its water early in the 20th century, using glass bottles sold mainly to a limited circle of local aristocratic families. By 1989 Galvanina Mineral Water had reached every continent of the world, from Africa to Asia and from Australia to the Americas, becoming today one of the world's best-known and appreciated waters.




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